Other Stuffage

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Conch Shell Blowing

In the hectic days of my life, I was finally able to find time to play with my cousin Bekah, and, on that particular day, we decided it would be fun to try to blow a conch horn...

In all honesty, I failed miserably...

So did my cousin Bekah.  I felt a lot better when she, too, was struggling with blowing the conch.  
But my happiness was extinguished when my dear, sweet mother graciously proved that she could, in fact, blow the conch.  I guess it helps that she was a music major and knew how to play all the brass instruments... and the conch.  Is that really considered a band instrument?!

After a short tutoring session, I finally got how to do it but had a severe headache afterwards...

That was fun...
(*Cue sarcasm*)


So go ahead and watch me make a fool out of myself...


Question of the day:

Have you ever tried to play the conch...

Or, if you haven't, would you like to?


  1. Yes, I have tried to play the conch, AND I FAILED MISERABLY!!!
    It was fun to help you though!
    You guys have got to watch the video - look where she goes cross-eyed when she blows! It's funny. She also shakes her head when she blows!
    BUT SHE'S PRETTY GOOD AT IT - especially compared to me...

    1. That was so funny. You couldn't make a sound at all. And when you did it was feeble. :D

  2. No I have never tried to play a conch but I would like to try to sometime. I enjoyed hearing the concert of conch shell music by Alli and her Mom. Thanks for sharing it with me. Gram

    1. Gorgeous right :P
      I think I was tone deaf for two hours afterwards.
