Other Stuffage

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wart Virus (Under a Microscope)

My dad ordered a microscope a few weeks ago and it finally came in the mail.  So, Mom and I spent most of the afternoon experimenting with it.  A friend of ours donated a wart virus seed to us (I'm not going to name anyone).  It was probably one of the grossest things I have ever seen... I guess it was only really gross to know that these suckers burrow themselves into your skin.

The creepiest thing about it though was that it kept changing form.  One minute it would be in kind of a paint splatter form and the next a creepy oval shape.

Well, Science is full of interesting and disgusting stuff.  I guess that this is one of the many reasons you should have good hygiene.

Question of the day:
What is the coolest thing you have ever seen under a microscope?

This is my first time ever actually looking into a microscope so yeah.


  1. Amoebas and protozoans were always fun. I have never seen a wart seed before under a microscope, so this was definitely really fun!

  2. In science class, we looked at our own hair and saliva under a microscope! It was cool and kinda weird.

    1. That's awesome!!!
      I'm gonna ask Mom if I can do that :D

  3. Thanks for the wart photo! I have not looked under a microscope since high school. Keep the pictures coming. Gram

  4. Glad to see a post from you! I think I'd go crazy with that microscope and look at all sorts of things :) Sounds like fun!
