Other Stuffage

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fabric Headbands

Hello peoples of the world!  This is your favorite (ok maybe close second) blogger Alli here with my buddy Sarah helping me out today.

Now Sarah, how did you come up with the idea to make super cute headbands?

...Behind the scenes...

(Sarah: Come on Alli, please can I type?
Alli: No, I want to type!
Sarah: Please????
Alli: Nope. Coming Mom!!!)

 Pst.. This is Sarah.  Alli told me that I couldn't type. But her mom called her downstairs, so I have approximately 1 minute 30 seconds to talk to you. So, I am 14, and I go to Timpview. I take acting, and I am in Throughly Modern Millie with Alli at the Scera. It is on May 12 at 2:00 p.m. so come! I love Alli's blog sooo much! I read it everyday and then I ponder and wonder about all the cool stuff she does:). Ohh Shoot! She's coming! Sorry I didn't get more time but my blog is scarahcarr.blogspot.com so check it out!

Alli: SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU??????

Sarah: *Ahh ouf boom cachow ouch ugh*

Alli: FOR NARNIA!!! *Punch*

Sarah: I'm... dying... Tell my mom I love her.... jkfgdjtk.erdhzuiehrtuiershtidruh

So sorry about that. This is Alli again. Sarah is in time out on the stairs... Bad Sarah!!!

Anyways, To make these beautiful easy headbands, you only need a couple of things.

Fabric Headbands:

First, you'll need fabric

Sarah: No duh!

Alli: QUIET SARAH!... Anywho, the second thing you'll need is ribbon that matches the fabric.
Third, you'll need needle and thread (or a sewing machine).


1.  Cut out three strips of fabric, it doesn't matter about how wide it is.

2.  Sew the three pieces together at the top and braid them until you reach desired length.

3.  Sew the end of the fabric onto the end of the ribbon (repeat on other side).

4. Enjoy!!!

Question of the day:
Have you ever put one of your best friends in time-out?

Yep.  Sarah... I'm so nice.