Other Stuffage

Friday, April 6, 2012

Modeling My New Clothes

On Wednesday at Young Womens we had a closet exchange.  it was super duper fun!!!

I felt like a barbie doll when I was modeling for my friends... And you guys.

Normally I don't like trying on clothes and taking pictures but today was weird and I wanted to do it.

Oh well, I had fun, that is like the only fun thing that matters right now... I've changed for a day.

Audrey was my little modeling buddy.  she had about as much fun as I did.

My little buddy always made sure that I had a flower...  And yet I somehow managed to convince her to let me pick my own props (AKA: nothing) every now and then.

I even got to read a dictionary...

Ok... the dictionary part wasn't that fun but still (plus I didn't read it) I liked posing like the crazy dork I am.

Question of the day:
Has there ever been a time when you decided to do something you normally wouldn't do?

Yep, I modeled for like two hours... and I actually enjoyed it... that's new.


  1. Love the new threads! I once in a great while like once a year will eat an egg for breakfast. I like eggs but they don't like me when eaten in the morning. So I seldom eat an egg for breakfast.
    When I was young, my mother and her sister would get together twice a year and we try on each others clothes to see who would get what. Between the two, my aunt and my mother there were 5 girls. When something was too big for us, we would look forward to getting that article of clothing in a year. It was fun.

  2. How fun! I think I'd like to come raid your closet! There was a time when I jumped off a 70 foot cliff into Lake Powell. That's not something I would normally do! Going into the water was the worst part because I was pushed down so deep and deep water scares me!

    1. WOW!! 70 feet! Yeah, I would never do that... I'm too whimpy... Way to go Sarah!

  3. I hate dancing, but my sister invited me to a Zumba class. I went, I often felt completely retarded, but it was SOOOO MUCH FUN! It was realy fun to dance and wiggle like a complete idiot for an hour and a half!

    1. ZUMBA IS AWESOME!!! And yes my mom probably took you. I dont normally like gardening because it takes a lot of work and heat, but this year I'm gonna do my own!

  4. You look gorgeous! So, question of the day... I don't normally like to sew things, but I took sewing at Centennial last semester, and I loved it! But outside of school, I will probably never sew unless I have to :)
