Other Stuffage

Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to Fix Nasty Barbie Hair

How many of you have wanted to get rid of nasty My Little Pony or Barbie hair but didn't know how?


Thanks to the lovely site called Pinterest, I figured out the secret to make Barbie's hair pretty again.


How to make your Barbie's hair pretty again:

Step one:  Fill a bowl with super hot water (hot chocolate hot).

Step two:  Place your Barbie's (or pony's) hair inside that bowl and let it soak for thirty seconds.

Step three:  Brush your Barbie's hair (starting from the bottom; it'll make brushing so much easier) with a small tooth comb (or a "Barbie brush") until all tangle monsters (or whatever you call them) are out.

As a last resort:  If you're stuck on a knot that just won't come out, then cut your Barbie's hair.  Yes, you heard me...  Or read me, cut the stupid Barbie hair.  It's not going to kill you if you give Barbie a trim...  Or a new look.

Step four:  Style your Barbie's renewed hair.  You'll be amazed at how much better it feels and looks.

Question of the day:
When was the first time you cut hair?

I was about four.  I was styling my cousin's long, thick, curly locks with a tiny round brush.  It kinda got stuck, so, being one to solve problems on my own, I cut it out.  Then I decided to cut a few other "chunks" out as well to make it symmetrical.  Long story short (eh-em, no pun intended), my Aunt Karen had to take her to a salon to "fix" my stylish creation.  Needless to say, it ended up getting cut about 1 inch long all around her head.  I don't think Aunt Karen liked me very much for a while after that...


  1. Yeah, I remember that... all too well... What an abrupt end to our scrapbooking session!
    Okay, I never cut hair, but my hair took FOREVER to grow in. Kinda like Audrey's, but I had a bit more. I finally stopped looking like a boy by the time I was 3. YAY! Then my brother Jake got the bright idea to hack off my cute little pig tails. So, my mom had to cut my hair really short and my sentence of looking like a boy was extended for a while... But Bekah's was definitely WAY shorter than mine! lol!
    I love you, Alli! See where your keen interest in scissors has taken you?

  2. Thanks for the tips! We have far too many yucky haired dolls. I'm totally going to try this.

    I've never cut anyone's hair, but my niece got a round brush stuck in my hair a few months ago. I was terrified that I would have to chop my long hair off! Luckily my dad saved the day by breaking the brush with some pliers (right next to my head, mind you)two hours and one sore head later, it was out. We only had to cut off just a bit of my hair. Needless to say, round brushes are banned from my home!

    1. It's an awesome tip, our barbies look much better.

      I don't blame you, that's why you only use them if you know how to.

    2. Small round brushes are the DEVIL!!! No good comes from them! Lol!!

  3. Yeah... I remember that. I don't think my mom was very happy with you. But I did tell that story up at girls camp!

  4. This is a test...I haven't been able to respond for a while, part of my computer illiteracy :)

    I don't remember the first time I cut someone's hair, but I wasn't a kid.
