Other Stuffage

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Healthy Eating 101

Thanks to my mother, I am going to try to eat even healthier...
Yeah...  Is that possible?

Mom here:  Yes Alli, it is.

*Back to me*


Mom here:  cut out the daily treats... What treats you say?  Ummm... ice cream, leftover peanut butter cookies and muddy buddies...  Heeeheeeheeeee!!!!

So, how exactly does one go about eating healthier?

5 Tips for Becoming a Healthier Eater:

1. PORTION CONTROL!  How much is a portion?  Each person is different.  Most portions can be simply based off your hand.
Protein=your palm
Carb=your fist
Veggies=a nice, big handful
Fats=your thumbnail

2.  EAT SMART!  Make healthier versions of your favorite foods to maximize nutrition.
For breakfast, I love these fantastic healthy waffles:

For lunch, I love cottage cheese with chopped tomatoes or peaches or pineapple.  Or a super yummy salad.

For snacks, a yummy smoothie sure hits the spot.

For dinner, easy green chicken enchiladas is a winner.

3.  EAT OFTEN!  Eat small meals/snacks throughout the day.  Aim for 5-6 mini meals each day, keeping each one to 200-400 calories, depending on your weight, metabolism and activity level.

4.  CUT THE JUNK!  Cut out extra calories, i.e. sugary, fatty treats...  Bummer!!!

5.  PLAN A CHEAT!  Yes, you heard that right.  Allow a cheat day/meal/treat once a week.  That way you don't feel as completely deprived.  It gives you something to look forward to.

Question of the Day:
Who is with me?  Anyone want to join me on a quest to clean up the internal/intestinal/gastronomical insanity?


  1. Yummy! I love that chicken salad! It think it's funny that you photographed it with the computer in the background... :)

  2. Yeah... That's funny. But your points are definently true, especially the first one - portioning. I love the salad and enchiladas!

    1. Si, they are true, and that is why it is so neat.
