Other Stuffage

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Audrey's Birthday Party


Like I said in my last post, I am in charge of Ballon animals and face paint.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures.  BUT, I was able to have some pictures taken of me in my clown costume.

Well...  Actually, I only have a picture of me (in my clown clothes and face paint) wearing Audrey's wig.

Here is a picture of the rainbow wig I was wearing.

Audrey got a lot of new barbies, clothes, and My Little Ponies.  One of her gifts (one of her absolute favorites) was all Brave stuff.  She got Merida's wig, dress, and even a Merida barbie doll with her horse Angus included.

The fun part is that she really does look like Merida a little bit.  If only she'd keep the wig on.

I felt like making this picture :D

My present for her is to take her to see Brave and then we're going to ride the carousel at Provo Beach Resort, It's going to be fun.

Question of the day:
Have you seen Brave yet?  If so, what did you think?  If not, do you want to?

YES!!!  I SAW BRAVE ON THE MIDNIGHT SHOWING!!!  It was so good...  But I did cry, It was quite heart warming.