Other Stuffage

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Exclusive Babbling From Me

Do you wanna know the worst way to wake up in the morning?  You jump out of bed ready to start a new day and have fun but then suddenly it feels like a thousand pound weight was dropped on your head and you claps on the ground in pain.  Then you find out that your throat kills and no matter what you do or how much water you drink it just gets worse.

That is about how my day started (and how it still is).  Let me tell you, IT SUCKS!!!  Not only does my throat kill but I feel like I'm gonna collapse eery time I attempt to stand up (and have quite a bit).  Plus, when I try to get my glass of water I feel like all the weight has gone to my head just from leaning a bit to the right from my place on the couch...  NOT PLEASANT!!!

As for what I've done today lets see:...

Watch part of a movie about the Founding Fathers for history...  CHECK

Sleep for more than three hours and wake up feeling even worse...  CHECK

Take a really hot "aroma therapy" bath for a bit more than an hour and fall asleep in it...  CHECK

Feel a bit better but still feel like I'm gonna collapse, and my throat still hurt...  CHECK

Waste away time watching a few episodes of My Little Ponies because I was that bored (at least they give you good friendship advice)...  CHECK

Study for an English Exam...  CHECK

Write a most needed blog update...  CHECK

Read a book and probably fall asleep again...  NOT YET

Things I've learned:

Ramen isn't good to eat when sick...  Apple sauce is

An "aroma therapy" bath helps a lot with feeling better

Don't listen to upbeat music when you feel like your head is going to explode...  It won't help with the headaches.


Question of the day:
What was your day like?

Read the above...  OH!!!  I think I might have strep throat because a lot of my symptoms are for strep throat.


  1. Worst day ever. Lol I hate days like that. :( ps feel better!!

    1. I feel tons better today, it's only my throat that is killing me.

  2. My day was great! I got a lot of Dad's closet space cleaned out and organized. Yay!!! No more shoes on the floor! :) Sorry your day was yucky...
