Other Stuffage

Monday, March 24, 2014

You are what you eat

People say all the time
"You are what you eat."
But the last time I ate an AirHead was one or two years ago...
Sheesh!  How long does it take for that stuff to wear off?!

On that note, lately I've been in love with carrots.  And frozen bananas.  No really, I just can't seem to get enough of either... Does that mean I'm going to develop a pale orange hue?  Like a Creamcicle?  Better yet, will I taste like one?  ORANGE BANANA/CARROT FLAVORED CREAMCICLE ON DEMAND!!!  YEAH!!!
What if I ate only blueberries and turned blue like Veronica What's-her-face from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" or would I turn a plesent purple, like they turn my oatmeal in the morning...  OH OH OH!!!  Now I want a big costco sized bowl of purple oatmeal....  Nuuuuummy...  Puuuuurrrrple oatmeal...  How does that mix with orange?

Question of the day:  If you are what you eat, what food would you be...  Or what color are you turning?
(Also, what IS Veronica's last name?)

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