I kind of consider this a part two of sorts for my last post... Basically I am giving you just a taste of what I think in 5 minutes... But I wrote this on paper first so It's a bit short... I can't write near as quickly as I think...
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Cheep cheep cheep. I can't believe I forgot to care about the Oscars and still don't! Now that I think about it, Rocks aren't very good pets because if I throw them at people I get in lots of trouble. WORM PORN!!! In my opinion, the Olympics need some legitimate winter sports like snow shoveling. If Goofy and Pluto are both dogs, why can't Pluto talk? I wonder if Pluto is still sad about not being a planet anymore... My hand hurts. My toe has been abused as of late. What is Obama having for dinner? What is Brian Reagan thinking right now? Oh look a notebook! Appa! I'm using a pen. Handshakes are weird. Saying "I used too" doesn't make any sense.
TADA!!! This is a small fraction of what goes on in my brain in five minutes.
Question of the day: This is more of a request; but take five minutes and write non stop, just like I did, submit your entries in the comments! I'd love to see your thoughts.
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