Other Stuffage

Monday, March 24, 2014

You are what you eat

People say all the time
"You are what you eat."
But the last time I ate an AirHead was one or two years ago...
Sheesh!  How long does it take for that stuff to wear off?!

On that note, lately I've been in love with carrots.  And frozen bananas.  No really, I just can't seem to get enough of either... Does that mean I'm going to develop a pale orange hue?  Like a Creamcicle?  Better yet, will I taste like one?  ORANGE BANANA/CARROT FLAVORED CREAMCICLE ON DEMAND!!!  YEAH!!!
What if I ate only blueberries and turned blue like Veronica What's-her-face from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" or would I turn a plesent purple, like they turn my oatmeal in the morning...  OH OH OH!!!  Now I want a big costco sized bowl of purple oatmeal....  Nuuuuummy...  Puuuuurrrrple oatmeal...  How does that mix with orange?

Question of the day:  If you are what you eat, what food would you be...  Or what color are you turning?
(Also, what IS Veronica's last name?)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Rude, Judgmental girl vs my flipflop

Ok, so I know I've done a lot of "what my brain is thinking" blogs, but, I feel that they're a big part of me and I want to share what I feel with y'all.
But, anywho, just this last Thursday, I heard this conversation going on behind me.  Also, I did know the girl...  I'm not fond with her.   This is what she said, and also what I was thinking.

Girl: *thinks she's whispering* OMG does that girl think she's too cool for real shoes?  I can't stand wearing flipflops, even in summer.  They're just so #@*! annoying!  OMG I know that girl.  She's so weird! *goes on to tell her friend all about how weird and obnoxious I am*
(Note: She needs some soap for that nasty mouth of hers.)

Brain: First off; do you think I can't hear you?  You're walking right behind me, in a pretty much empty hallway, mind you, not to mention "whispering" extremely loud!  Oh, oh you think I'm wearing these too feel superior to you?  Actually, I broke my big toe, so,  if you're trying to "correct" my shoe choice for when my toe has been abused, I'll abuse your face (with my flipflop...or, even better, a high heel)!  And yes, yes I am weird just as you're a judgmental brat that is convinced you run the fruiting world!  Naaaaaaaaw I won't deal with your crap.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

5 Minute Journal

For English, I had to write a 5 Minute Journal Entry.  Basically, you write whatever come to your mind non stop for 5 minutes and if you can't think of anything to write, you write, "I don't know what to write".
I kind of consider this a part two of sorts for my last post...  Basically I am giving you just a taste of what I think in 5 minutes...  But I wrote this on paper first so It's a bit short...  I can't write near as quickly as I think...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Cheep cheep cheep.  I can't believe I forgot to care about the Oscars and still don't!  Now that I think about it, Rocks aren't very good pets because if I throw them at people I get in lots of trouble.  WORM PORN!!!  In my opinion, the Olympics need some legitimate winter sports like snow shoveling.  If Goofy and Pluto are both dogs, why can't Pluto talk?  I wonder if Pluto is still sad about not being a planet anymore...  My hand hurts.  My toe has been abused as of late.  What is Obama having for dinner?  What is Brian Reagan thinking right now?  Oh look a notebook!  Appa!  I'm using a pen.  Handshakes are weird.  Saying "I used too" doesn't make any sense.

TADA!!!  This is a small fraction of what goes on in my brain in five minutes.

Question of the day:  This is more of a request; but take five minutes and write non stop, just like I did, submit your entries in the comments!  I'd love to see your thoughts.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why My Brain Shouldn't be a Person

(Warning: Really random examples ahead.  If you don't like my thoughts when edited, you certainly won't like them when in the raw.)

Soooooooo when it comes to being a teenager, more often than not, I hear teens say that sometimes they wish their brains could be people. That way, they'd have someone who truly understands them and what not.  While that may be true for them. I, on the other hand, am extremely happy that my brain is silent to the rest of the world...

For instance, I can't count how many times I'll be walking through the school hallway (or anywhere really) and some random person will walk up to me and be like: "Hi Alli! Remember me from kindergarten?"  Out loud I'm like, "Yeah, totally!  Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in so long!" while my brain is thinking, "Who are you...  are you a stalker?  How do you know my name?  Why do I not remember you...  OR YOUR NAME!"  And then it proceeds to throw itself onto the ground in despair because my memory sucks.

Another example is when I'm in class...  My teachers would HATE my brain!
Teacher: .........And that class is a semipermeable membrane........
Brain: *off in lala land singing* speederman speederman does what old Mc. Donnald said...  AND THE POT-GUTS COME AT NIIIIIIIIGHT WITH THEIR FEET AS SOFT AS THUNDEEEEEER!!!
Teacher: And next time we're going to learn about worm reproduction!
Brain: But this is craaaaaaaazy!  But here's my...  Oooooooo I wonder if worms ever teach their little wormies about human reproduction but find talking about worm reproduction awkward...  HUMANS ARE HYPOCRITES!!!  Hehe next time we're going to be studying worm porn...

When little kids are talking to me...
kid: Idahsuigfdgfnhbvuydhgvioefjvhaf8eiorgeahygugiporea...
Brain: Smile and nod...  Smile and nod... (cause I have no clue what they're saying).

Another reason is that a lot of the time, when my friends and I are watching TV, I'm normally the one stuck with the remote...  meaning that my brain is put under a huge amount of stress that is pretty much unnecessary...
Brain: I love this show...  I bet everyone wishes I'd switch to a different show...  A PERSON JUST BREATHED!!!  OH MY GOSH THEY HATE IT!  THEY MUST HATE ME!  How long till everyone walks out because I'm boring them with one of my favorite shows *cries*...  Will we still be able to be friends after this?

But yeah, these are just a few instances in which I am so very grateful that my brain isn't a person...  I have to think SOOOOOOO hard even before I say some very simple thing because my brain gets that off track...  I'm sorry if this isn't the kind of post you were looking for...  But you know what?  I don't care (sassy much?).

Question of the day:  Do you wish your brain was a person?  Why or Why not?  Also, write the first thing that pops into your mind as a closer...  just 'cause.

My answer: Appa yip yip! (... To be fair that wasn't that imaginative...  I just saw my Appa plush on top of the printer...)  Spoon...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What's In A Little Grasshopper's Bathroom

Hiya everyone!  For English I had to make a list of everything I could find in my bathroom :D

1 Princess Drink Cup
5 Face Wash Products
2 Nail kit things
6 foamy hand soaps
10 bar soaps
1 shower jelly (LUSH!!!)
3 hand towels
1 Dalek Robe
3 Toothbrushes (one for my mouth, one for my retainer and one for traveling!!!)
9 Body Creams
1 On-Guard Essential Oil
1 Toothpaste (and three toothbrushes...  smooth)
3 Body Washes
10 Perfumes
2 mini hand sanitizer things
2 Chapsticks
1 nail clipper
3 bobby pins
1 mirror
2 conditioners
1 shampoo
1 shaving cream
1 tiny bottle hydrogen peroxide
1 alcohol (the stuff to clean cuts with...)
3 normal towels
7 razors
1 compact mirror
2 toilet paper rolls
1 fizzy lotion
1 scrubby thing
2 little floss dispensers
1 little comb
1 lipsticks
1 pencil
1 lipliner
1 eye makeup remover
2 deodorants
1 sink with 5 drawers/cupboards
1 toilets
1 bathtub
1 water pick
1 homemade body scrub (that is edible and nummy :D)
(I also found 74 toiletries all together...  But that's just nasty!)

Total Count of stuff: 173 random products and things :)

Yuuuuuuuuuuuup that's all the random crap I found in my bathroom.
I dare you guys to write a list of all the stuff in your bathroom as well, I'd love to see them.