Other Stuffage

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Update of Life, School Starting, and My New "Study Buddies"

YOLO my peeps!  How goes it?

I'm such a procrastinator!!!  I keep giving y'all empty promises and I feel TERRIBLE!!!  But do you wanna know why I've been a terrible blogger lately?  It's this torturous thing called life. You see, life has a nasty habit of getting in the way of my blogging.  School has just started, and I'm now in a small homeschooling group with my two best friends.  It's been fun but sooooo crazy!!!  And to top it off I've been trying to do stuff to keep this blog how it is (crafty, fun, and me) and not turn it into a boring education blog (that isn't me).  Yup, that's my lame excuse for not blogging.  But even though life is now insanely crazy, I'm having way more fun than I did last year (besides less blogging).

I didn't really know the two girls I homeschool with now, but after two days we've become like the best of friends.  We do almost everything together and have tons of things in common.  For instance, we all LOVE anime, drawing, and writing.  But another thing is that we each have our strengths in different areas, so if one of us is struggling with a subject, we can help each other according to what we're best at.

I'm also trying to learn French again but this time with my new buddies by my side :D
We're hoping to go to France sometime next year during the summer.  And then maybe going to Washington D.C. when we finish the history course.

I have high expectations for this year, and I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to update AT LEAST once a week.  And if I don't...  I give you permission to send the one-eyed one-horned flying-purple-people-eater after me.

PS:  My "study buddies" might show up quite a bit in my blog posts now that we never really leave each other's side.

Question of the Day:
How did you meet your best friend?

My first best friend I met when she was born.  We did tons together...  Until she moved :(


  1. Hey, and if they don't know, you can always ask the walking encyclopedia - ME!!! :D keep on blogging, and have lots of fun this year!!!

    The best cousin ever.


  2. Haha ok :D
    Yes, you are awesome.
