Other Stuffage

Thursday, August 2, 2012

An Update Before Busness


It's been a while since I've posted!

These last few weeks have been just been filled with the lemons life gives you.  Well I've succeeded in making some sour lemonade, I'm hoping to make it sweeter by getting back into the groove of things and continue blogging about my abnormal life.

Anywho, this week I'm going to blog about what I have been doing for the past month.

So far I've:

Had a marvelous week at Girl's Camp

Visited St. George (Utah)

Toured Zion's National park


Saw two plays at the Tuacahn: Aladdin and my personal favorite, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.


And two days later Mom and Dad left for a drive around Utah and this whole week has been filled to the brim with stuff.  One day was so busy that we were in the car for six hours!  Yeah, the kids weren't happy with that.

Question of the day:
What have you been doing for the past month?

Read the above...  AND tune in tomorrow for another funderful episode of Star Trek...  Hehe, just kidding, Heidi's Alli is the actual name.


  1. Hay Al, long time know hear. I've stayed in Mapleton and dried lots of apricots and canned 56 quarts dried beans - navy beans pinto beans, red beans, and black beans. Gunny and I and Nettie went to the cabin for a few hours and got a load of fire wood today,also checked out a trail for the Rangers to go on at the picnic. We'll be waiting for another episode of your life tomorrow.

  2. Post again please!!! ASAP
