Other Stuffage

Monday, June 24, 2013

Audrey and Aiden go to the Dentist

Today, Audrey, Aiden and Mom had their dentist appointments!

...Guess who was stuck babysitting the kidlets?



For Audrey this was her second going to the dentist office.  She was an angel almost the whole time.  She enjoyed having a lot of cool gadgets shoved into her mouth...

Her favorite part though was getting her strawberry fluoride stuff. Afterwards, she was BEGGING the nurse to let her do the whole process again!!!  But while we were waiting for mom to be done with her dentist appointment she was throwing a tantrum and screaming at anything and everything...

Anywho, Aiden was a different story...  HE WAS A NIGHTMARE!!!  I felt so bad 'cause he didn't last a single minute...  All we got from him was a really bad x-ray that resembled roadkill... NOT teeth.  I can't count how many times I had to chase him down the halls because he'd make a break for the door at any chance he got...  He didn't even pay attention to the movie we put on for him.

Oh, and another thing, was that he thought everything was a peacock...

Aiden: *pointing* That's a peacock!
Me: No Aiden, that's a toothbrush.
Aiden: Oh...  *points* It's a peacock!
Me: No Aiden, that's the x-ray machine, it takes pictures of your pretty teeth.

And the conversation goes on...

In the beginning, before chaos ruled, I found myself playing with this creepy stuffed animal that was meant to show little kids how to brush properly...

I had WAY too much fun goofing off with it...

Is there anyway that I could look like a seven year old again so that my outside matched my inside?

That was a bad joke...ehehehe...

Question of the Day:  What's you're favorite part of going to the dentist?
Me:  I get anxiety when I go so...  Probably when they say I'm done.

Also, what are some things that I could blog about?


  1. Since going to the dentist here in Utah I now have my whole mouth of teeth restored and all teeth are white again. The best part for me is that now I only go back for cleaning and check-ups. Gram
